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The Association

A word from the organizers

After more than 10 years of building from scratch with our team of enthusiasts what is today the Festival de Magie de Québec, it is with great pride that we present to you our request for the 11th edition, Québec, Ville Magique ! It is intended to be unique and grandiose for the citizens of Quebec.  We thank you for your support!

Renée-Claude Auclair, General Manager

Pierre Hamon, Artistic Director

Our story

The Quebec Magic Festival was born in 2011 thanks to a meeting between the co-organizers, Renée-Claude Auclair and Pierre Hamon as well as Geneviève Marcon, owner of the Benjo toy store in Quebec. The first two editions were produced privately thanks to the financial support of Ms. Marcon and the Caisse Desjardins de Québec.

In 2013, a non-profit organization, the Association du Festival de Magie de Québec, was incorporated and a board of directors was put in place. The Quebec Magic Festival, unique in Canada, has quickly become a reference in the world of magic both for the Quebec public and for the many tourists interested in this art. Over the years, a magic contest has been added, in 2013, a school of magic, in 2014, the Canadian Congress of Magic, in 2016 and a component for primary schools, in 2018. In 2019, the 1st provincial magic congress for Quebec took place.

In 2018, after four years of work, the producers and their team succeeded in winning the vote of confidence from the 100 presidents of magic clubs around the world, in order to organize the World Championship of Magic of the International Federation of Societies magical. (submitted in July 2022 – COVID-19). Economic benefits estimated at $9 million, according to the CCQ. This feat allowed the organization to take a turn in terms of production and artistic aspects and to present world-class shows, starting in 2019. In 2021, the AFMQ produced the 1st North American Magic Championship FISM in Canada since 2011. This has allowed magicians from Canada and the United States to discover Quebec and the organization.

Board of directors

Francois Moreau,


Eric Marcoux,


Philippe Vachon,


Johanne Lauren,


Roxane Larouche,


Elizabeth Roy,


Antonine Yaccarini,


The Team

Renee-Claude Auclair,

General Manager & Marketing

Pierre Hamon,

Directorr Artistic

Martin Genest,


Louis Ayotte,


Patrick Package,

Technical director

Melanie Dion,

Production Manager

Josey Lefebvre,

Head of Volunteers

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